"A single act of kindness
can cause ripples of healing"
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share reviews about your store, your products and the shopping experience at your store. Get your site visitors excited to jump into action!
Avery Smith
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share reviews about your store, your products and the shopping experience at your store. Get your site visitors excited to jump into action!
Skyler Adelson
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share reviews about your store, your products and the shopping experience at your store. Get your site visitors excited to jump into action!
Kris Michaels

Juliette Vera Eskinazi
At my core, I am a creator, storyteller, dreamer and empathic being. I have an innate desire to express, learn, help others, and to deeply immerse myself in my work, interests, experiences and connections. I believe yogic and wellness practices, as well as creative expression and self-awareness can ignite positive change in everyone’s lives.
My intention is to unite interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in order to inspire growth and transformation. My purpose is to help expand and realize potential; To facilitate the process of transformation.
I Graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Florida in 2018 with a BS in Psychology, BA in Visual Arts, and a Certificate of Arts in Medicine from Shands Hospital.